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CONTENT COMING SOON - including information about the following work done by the Greencastle LWV

  • Voter registration
  • Candidate forums & questionnaires
  • Election nights
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work
  • Programs

Observer Corps:


Effective League activity in a community relies an understanding of how local government works.  A League Observer is the eyes and ears of the League, learning how government works and about issues that are, or may become, items for local study and action.  Consistent League presence at these meetings also adds to the League’s visibility and credibility. 

The Open Meeting Law ensures “the right of all citizens to have advance notice of and to attend all meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon, with certain limited exceptions to protect the public interest and preserve personal privacy.”  Consistent with this purpose, the general requirement of the law is that “all meetings of public bodies shall be open to the public at all times.”

As an Observer, you are exercising that recognized right to be present at any public meeting.

OBJECTIVES: To monitor governmental bodies for information of importance to the League and the community/state.

Functions/Advantages of the Observer Corps:

  • Enables greater coverage, information gathering

  • Can provide early warning of upcoming issues of concern

  • Trains future leaders

  • Increases the League’s visibility

  • Assists with networking with other groups

Responsibilities of Observer:

  • Awareness of LWV positions and areas of concern

  • Attend assigned meetings, arriving promptly

  • Take notes/fill out observer report form

  • Report to the board

  • Advise the board of opportunities for action based on League positions